
Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday Catch-All

I used to like mornings believe it or not. Even in high school when I had stayed up till 1 in the morning the night before. Then, when the kids were little, mornings were usually play times after they had eaten their breakfast. Now, mornings suck. I spend the first hour of my morning constantly nagging at my kids to get ready for school. I don't understand why it takes them an entire hour+ in the morning to get ready. What do they have to do? Get dressed, have breakfast, brush their hair and teeth. What's so difficult about that? Even so, they almost missed the bus this morning. ARGH!! I can take a shower, do my hair and makeup, get dressed, and be out the door in half an hour. I just don't get it.

Also, M, the 11 year old going on 21, harassed me all week to walk to school by herself. We only live a mile away but there aren't any sidewalks and one of the streets is very busy. Yesterday I finally gave in on the condition that she call me when she got there which is in violation of school rules because they're not allowed to have cell phones. I didn't really care. All went well. Then she gets home and tells me that one of her friends picked her up on the way to school. What the heck! And this morning was such a fiasco that she didn't have time to walk. Geez.

Jennifer S asked me what happened to the Thursday Meme post yesterday. (I didn't see your text until this morning. C kept texting me from the other room and bugging me so I started ignoring them, lol. Sorry.) Well, I didn't want to post twice yesterday and I really wanted to post about my new phone so I skipped it. It was about reading more or less as an adult than as a child. I read more as an adult but that's only because I make the time (read that to say ignoring household chores, lol) to read. I can also read a lot faster as an adult than as a kid. Still, I've loved reading since I was 4 years old. I shove as many books into my life as I possibly can.

Lastly, I've decided to grow a pair and have it out with Jane. I have so many issues with her that I feel like making note cards so I don't forget anything. Depending on how bloody it gets, I might post the results. We'll see. Would it be too childish and petty to tell her that she can't cook worth a darn and to stop forcing her nasty food on other people???


  1. I hope everything goes well (for you) with Jane! You probably don't need to tell her about her cooking though. LOL

    I love mornings on the condition I wake up naturally or even (dare I admit it?) by the animals, but if it is my alarm that is waking me up (meaning a weekday), mornings suddenly become less friendly. I have enough of a difficult time getting myself up and ready for work, and so I cannot imagine throwing children into the mix. You definitely have your work cut out for you!

  2. Awww. I shouldn't needle her about her cooking? I know. It would be petty and small to do so.

    The kids def make mornings interesting.


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