
Friday, January 11, 2008

Hodgepodge Friday

I finished Water for Elephants (def more on that later) the other day and have started The Bourne Identity. I'm whittling down my TBR list at a pretty fast clip. I'm sure that will change on the 23rd when my spring semester starts.

This week was National Delurking Week. Being that it's Friday, the week is over but feel free to pop out and leave a comment if you'd like.

Yesterday, I typed up this HUGE post on our recent house hunting endeavor and decided not to post it. Suffice it to say, I looked at this house yesterday that was...not for us. It didn't have a master bedroom and the kitchen linoleum looked like a package of highlighter pens had exploded all over it. It also smelled like dog even though they don't allow dogs inside. Whatever. Even if we do decide to go ahead and move, it won't be until March because the Mister has an event happening in February that won't allow him to help with the packing and moving. One of the worst feelings is not feeling at home in your home and I've felt like that for almost a year now.

Did you all hear about the "breaking news" of the missing Marine here in N.C.? It's weird when your little corner of the world is on national news. The search is taking place in an area of Jacksonville that I am very familiar with. It was my stomping grounds when I was 16.

Anyway, along with Friday being hodgepodge day it's also cleaning day and I haven't eaten yet today either, so, I'm off. Have a great weekend.


  1. Since it's Delurking day, I will pop in and say hello. Good luck with the house hunting. We are in the midst of that as well. It is, to say the least, frustrating.
    Have a great weekend!!

  2. I'm anxiously awaiting your thoughts on Bourne Identity. :-)

    Good luck with the house hunting. It sounds like you are being wiser than we were. I was so anxious to get out of an apartment and into a house that I overlooked things I shouldn't have . . . Ho hum.

    I saw an article online that they'd found the missing Marine and her grave. That is just so sad. I hope they catch the person who killed her.

    I hope you have a good weekend, Trisha.

  3. De-lurking to say hi. :) Hope you find a place soon that feels like home...

  4. Mel~~I didn't know you guys were looking to move. You'll have to drop me an message and tell me when and where. I can never keep up with your guys' address.

    LF~~I'm slowly making my way through the book. I like it, but I've been preoccupied with other things lately.

    I hope your weekend is going good as well.

    Lisa~~Thanks for popping out. :)


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