
Monday, November 14, 2011

NaBloPoMo Day 14: Shopping!

I'm having so much fun shopping for the girls this year. We've already made a sizable dent in the girls' Christmas lists. I had tons of fun shopping online this morning. I'm trying to hold myself back so that we can take advantage of sales that are sure to come but it's hard. The Mister has the week off of work so we'll be able to go out and about while the girls are in school.

I've been getting clothing ideas from Polyvore via Pinterest which has turned me onto some new stores.

One is the Wet Seal. I think they sell clothes for just teens though. If you're a skinny minny, you can probably shop there too though. ;)

Another store is Gilt. They have daily deals and your shopping cart is timed so be careful not to lose out on the deals. If you decide to shop at Gilt and you have the patience to wait, I can send you an invitation and then I get $25 once your order ships. Let me know!

The last store is HauteLook. (I heard about this store on the Today Show too.) They are similar to Gilt in that they have daily deals. They have pretty deep discounts on clothes though as well as makeup and home decor.

Anywho, that's what I've been up to today. I'm also working on some crochet projects that I'm making as gifts. Fun for me!


  1. That's great that you are far ahead with your Christmas shopping. I love all the clothing collection ideas from Pinterest. Sometimes I just wear the same stuff over and over again and it's given me some new ideas to shake up my style a bit.

  2. I love pinterest too, the best bookmarker ever. Shopping at your own pace is so much nicer then the rush at the end.

  3. Pam~~I post the clothing collection on my board titled "My Style" but it's really more that it's how I wished I dressed, lol. I'm hoping that I can use that board as a way to change my style.

    K~~I agree. Pinterest is waaay better than Delicious or any of the other bookmarking platforms. Also, thanks for stopping by!!


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