
Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26, 2012: Blog Hopping Friday

It's been a dull week. I have no dumb stories to tell about myself. So, getting right to it... 


  1. My favorite feeling in all the world is heartfelt hugs from my husband and my kids.
  2. My favorite smell is the ocean, rain, freshly cut grass, humid piney air, clean baby smell, and sage when it comes in off the canyon.
  3. My favorite taste is salty/savory. I'm not a sweet snacker most of the time. I like savory foods and chips.
  4. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen was the ocean for the first time.
  5. The best sound ever is a baby's laughter. You know, when they laugh so hard their entire body shakes? That makes me laugh no matter what mood I'm in.
  6. A smell that reminds me of my childhood is chlorine from a pool. Also, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners cooking. 
  7. My favorite of all the senses is probably hearing. I don't know what I'd do without music. Sight and smell would tie for #2.
  1. Who wakes up with the kids in the morning? I do seeing as how the Mister leaves for work before any of the rest of us have to get up. 
  2. Do you watch the World Series even if your team isn't in it? Sure. I like baseball. I like hearing it on the TV. It makes me think of summer time and fun. 
  3. What is the best compliment you have received? When people tell me I've raised good kids. 
  4. Do/did you dress up to take your kids trick or treating? Nope. Least favorite holiday people.
  5. Do you have a favorite Bible verse? What is it and why? What an ironic question for me to have to answer. Actually, I do. I like the one about judge not lest ye be judged yourself (and I can't say that without hearing Metallica blare it in my head). I like it because it's the ultimate in ironies. It's impossible not to judge, for good or for bad, and people hardly ever take into account judging something for good. People who say they never judge something for bad are the ultimate liars/hypocrites. Bottom line, I like it because it makes for a good argument.

  1.  My eyes are my favorite feature.
  2. Thinking about cuddles with my dog and cat makes me happy.
  3. It's been a long time since we've gone away anywhere. We haven't taken a road trip as a family since we moved out here. The Mister and I are thinking of planning something.
  4. I just don't understand cheating. If you're so unhappy, have the balls to say something and get out of the relationship. Cheaters are weak and pathetic.


  1. Babies laughs always put me in a good mood. I remember always being at the pool when I was a kid, I never swim anymore, but as soon as I smell chlorine, remember those days!

    1. I don't swim much these days either and if I do, it's at the ocean. Our community pool has salt water in it so I guess it wouldn't smell of chlorine anyway.

  2. I love children's laughter. I had the opportunity to hear last week from my grandsons and this week from my granddaughter.

    1. That's great. I need to have my kids give their grandparents a call.

  3. I love the smell of the ocean too...

    1. It's one of the most relaxing scents in my opinion.

  4. Babies' laughter is the best sound int he world.

    1. I've thought about this question all morning and still can't think of a sound that automatically makes me smile like a baby's laughter.

  5. I guess my taste is a little older; I love hearing children playing in the park, especially in spring!

    1. Children playing is a good sound too. :)

  6. Love laughter of any kind....cheaters YAY I still struggle with their stupid theatrics & lies. Grateful for a faithful husband this time around!

    1. A good and faithful husband is a rarity for sure. I'm glad for you that you've got a good one.

  7. eyes seem to be a favorite feature of many :)

    1. It's an easy and safe answer, lol.

  8. It's always great hearing other people thinking your a great mom! New follower from 5qf!

    -Heather - private (just use contact to gain access)

    1. Hi Heather! Yeah, it is. Raising teens is tough and involves lots of fighting and yelling. It's nice when someone tells me I'm doing it right when I often feel like I'm screwing up, lol.


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