Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Life at the New House

We're sorta settling in. I haven't unpacked too much because we're painting everything and I don't see the point in unpacking just to shove it all in the middle of the room and covering it with plastic. The kitchen isn't getting painted so it's mostly put back together. Half of the living room is almost painted so I'll be able to unpack and put some furniture away. We haven't picked out a color for the dining room yet or our bedroom. I've been so stinking busy lately. I've been ready for bed at 9 o'clock, lol. I'm covered in three different colors of paint and my hands are so sore from painting I can barely make a fist. I know, I know. It'll all be worth it when I'm done. Blah. I also started my next class today. Fun, fun.

Our weather has been absolutely great though. Not too hot, not too cold and the humidity is real low so the paint dries fast. It couldn't be more perfect. But get this, our fire danger is high. I thought we left all that behind when we moved from Cali. If Vermont burns down like San Diego did, we're moving to a swamp. There have already been several brush fires around the state.

Well, I'm gonna grab some breakfast and get started painting for the day.

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