Friday, August 10, 2007

TGIF Already

I can't believe it's Friday already. This week has positively flown by. The heat is still persisting here. But it's not as bad as yesterday. It's only 95 with a heat index of 116. But you know what? I'd take this heat 365 days a year over one day of winter in Vermont.

I'm in a slight panic right now which is why I'm typing really fast not that you can tell just by reading this, lol. I just found out that my final exams are next week, not the week after like I had thought. I was given false information. I have MUCH studying to do on top of regular assignments. Why instructors need to squeeze the last drops of blood out of us during exam week is beyond me. Is it too much to ask to just be able to study???

As a result of exam week, I'm not promising to be around very much next week. On top of that, my mother-in-law will be arriving on the 16th. Busy, busy week next week.


  1. Trisha,

    Hey...I put my skirt and purse away and am blogging again (if you care). But I still have a phobia about opening it to the world, so if you wanna read it, send me your email address to "" and I'll add you to my permissions.

    Hope you're doing well!

  2. Good luck with your exams, and with your in-law (Eep!).

  3. BTW
    Don't know if it's just me, but your posts are cut of a bit on the left hand side.

  4. NDM~~ I e-mailed ya so I expect to be granted permissions asap. ;) Glad you're back.

    Sherry~~Thanks for the well wishes. I need them. Lots of them. As for my blog, it looks fine on my browser (IE 7) so I'm not sure how to correct the problem. I know the optical illusion one was but that's the only one I was aware of.


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