Monday, January 07, 2008

Lovely Monday

I didn't post for THREE days. It was wonderful, heheh. I don't really have too much to say anyway. I've had this weird stomach thing for the past couple of days. It's not the flu or anything just this painful cramping for a few hours in the morning and then it goes away. It almost feels like intense hunger pains but I get them at 3 in the morning. And no. I'm not pregnant. But they're making me lose sleep and feel cruddy so I haven't been up to too much.

I'm currently in the middle of The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett. I wanted so much to love this book but I've been reading it for six days and I'm only a little more than halfway done. It's a short book that I should've had read in a couple hours. It's not horrible but I don't care about the characters. I suppose if you want to see the silver lining, it's the first in a series about about 30 books so I won't adding to my TBR pile. ;)

Okay. I have a confession to make. It's January 7th and I still haven't taken down my Christmas decorations. At least I don't turn them on though, lol. My Christmas tree is mostly naked. I only need to take the lights and garland off. I've also taken all the window clings out of the windows. The outside decorations and lights are still out though. It's lazy and pathetic, I know. I'm usually really good about it but this year I just don't care all that much. I'm going to finish it today and tomorrow while the weather is really nice. It's a good excuse to be outside, right?


  1. Don't feel bad. Mine are all still up too. I am getting so lazy. Remember when I used to have decorations up for every holiday and I took them down right after... And my house always smelled like Pine-Sol... What happened to me?

  2. One reason I'm glad I didn't do any xmas decorations this year - nothing to take down! I probably would still have them up too.

  3. Jennifer~~I remember those days. It's hard for me to imagine you not putting up your decorations like you used to.

    Jacki~~It would be nice not to have anything to take down, but I had fun decorating this year. We have even bigger plans for next year's decos.

  4. I never did get the decorations up for the holidays, with the exception of the Christmas tree and lights. No actual decorations on the tree though except for the angel on top. The tree, lights and angel are still up. Except for the branches that the cat's knocked down anyway. :-)

    I've heard that the first couple of Discworld books aren't the best and the series eventually gets a lot better. I still have to read the first book and then I can find out down the road, I suppose, if that's true. I'm sorry you aren't especially liking The Color of Magic.

    Completely off topic - Is there a way to delete an entire library from Shelfari without deleting the books individually or deleting the account?

  5. LF~~No decos on the tree? Just lights? We used to have a rabbit that would eat the lower branches on the tree. Now, Hannah the dog does.

    Yeah. I'm about to do my review for The Color of Magic. Stay tuned.

    As for Shelfari, if there's a way to delete your library without deleting your account, I don't know how. I searched through the help and all it told of was how to delete one book at a time. Sorry I'm not much help either.


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