Monday, June 16, 2008

A Day at the Beach

The girls and I took off for a girls only excursion to the beach today. It’s the first time that we’ve ever gone just the three of us and it was very nice. The temps were perfect and there was a steady breeze so it wasn’t hot at all. When we got there, it was a green flag which means that the undertows and rip currents are good so the girls were able to play quite a ways off shore. When we were getting ready to leave though, the lifeguards put up the yellow flag so our timing was perfect. Other than some minor road raging on the way home, the day was great.

Now, I’m killing time while I wait to chauffeur the oldest child to a sleep over. After that, I have a couple hours I need to put in for work. The fun never stops around here, heheh.

Sorry. No pictures today. I didn’t want to take the camera to the beach with me.


  1. That sounds like a nice day.
    Are you taking the summer off from school?

  2. That sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. It's beach weather here this weekend. I doubt we'll go, but maybe this next weekend . . .


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