Monday, November 24, 2008

Holiday Prep (Added a Pic)

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. I really enjoy cooking all the food and then, of course, eating it. I like being able to eat leftovers for days. I like the low to no pressure that goes along with it as well. No presents to buy and wrap. Love it. I also can’t think of a Thanksgiving that has any bad memories attached to it.

The first Thanksgiving dinner that I cooked by myself for the Mister, the girls, and I was in 1999. We were living in our base housing in Lakeside, CA and it was just the four of us. I was extremely nervous about cooking a turkey and the stuffing too. Turns out that turkeys are hard to screw up and the stuffing was sensational since it was a family recipe. I also made green bean casserole, scalloped corn, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, a fresh veggie plate, deviled eggs, and pumpkin pies for desert. Everything tasted great and the Mister and I ended up in the typical tryptophan coma afterwards. The oldest child was three at the time. Gosh!! Three years old. I miss those days sometimes. The youngest child was only 9 months old and harmless. The oldest child, not so much. When the Mister and I came out of our coma, we discovered that the oldest child had aerated the pumpkin pie, lmao!! She had taken her fingers and poked holes in the entire thing. Luckily, I had made two so we still had pie for desert. We still laugh about that to this day. It’s one of my favorite Thanksgiving memories.


The infamous pie is in the back.


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Thanksgiving happens to be my favorite holiday. We had plans to go away this Thanksgiving but we changed them at the last minute. I decided I wanted to be home and cook our own meal.
    Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. I love Thanksgiving. I should have already planned out what I'm going to cool to take to our families but I haven't narrowed it down yet.

  3. Dana~~I understand about wanting to stay home. That's my preference too. I hope you and your family have a terrific Thanksgiving.

    Pam~~I'm sure whatever you take will be great. I've seen pictures of stuff you've made and it always looks and sounds good.


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