
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Next Subject

Aside from my bad news last night, the rest of the night was interesting. The oldest child had planned all week to have a friend sleep over which was fine. Then at the last minute, she asked to have another friend sleep over as well. As both of these girls are pretty well behaved, the Mister and I said yes. Talk about loud. Four girls are so loud with all their giggling and playing. I have to wonder if boys are the same.

We ordered Chinese for dinner and they forgot one of our orders which sucked.

Then the Mister and I spent the rest of the night on our computers while the girls played Wii, watched a movie, and played whatever they were playing that was so loud. It was really muggy yesterday and I had all the windows in the house open, so I'm sure that my neighbors appreciated the girls and their noise, heheh.

Speaking of muggy, it has been so rainy here lately. We really need the rain badly so it's a good thing but I'm getting tired of the gloominess. This is like living in Vermont again. But at least the rain washed the pollen off of our cars, heheh. The rain and warmer temps have also been great for the spring flowers. My neighborhood is absolutely gorgeous with all the blooming shrubbery. We have azalea bushes in our yard in three different colors and they are spectacular right now. Our dogwoods are blooming too and they are pretty and smell really good. Wisteria is also in bloom and it's EVERYwhere down here. The color is pretty but it's so viney that it looks like kudzu everywhere and like it's choking the trees. I don't know if it is, but that's how it looks. I don't think I like it.

As for today, we're going to go to Greenville and pick up some flowers, soil, and pots so that I can put some flowers on my front porch. I'm not the best at container gardening so hopefully I can keep them alive, lol. We'll see how it goes. Oh. And we're going to get bird seed for my feeder. I love watching the birds on our deck. I especially like the Carolina Wren. I had never seen one before we moved here and they are a neat looking bird. We also have tons of Cardinals, Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, Robins, Nuthatches, and other birds that frequent our bird feeder.

That's Friday and Saturday in a nutshell. I'm off.


  1. I hope you had a nice outing today. All this spring planning . . . I am a terrible gardener. I probably should think about planting some flowers in our front flower box, but I get bored with gardening so fast. I wish I could hire someone to do it for me.

  2. LF~~Gardening is a challenge for me too but I LOVE flowers so much. I'm hoping this time around I'll be more successful.


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