Friday, September 14, 2007

Tightly Wound

That would describe me these days. I have a very short fuse these days. Very short. I flew off the handle last night over a spilled Pepsi and everyone hid out by going to bed at 9:30 lmao. Yeah. I can laugh about it the next day but, MAN!! I was so freaking mad about it last night. Having to take care of two extra people is so stressful. And it doesn't help that they are easy going and don't seem to get mad about anything. I spend most of the day walking around like Miss Suzy Sunshine and the nights trying not to explode from the pressure.

C and I both blew off some steam by destroying the house when they got home from work yesterday. I should have taken pictures cuz it was freaking funny. Books, DVD's, and clothes were...disturbed (heheh).

I feel like a freaking crazy person. Like I'm bipolar or something. Out of control. I just can't wait for them to move into their house and for my life to get back to normal. Whatever the hell "normal" is. I don't even remember.

1 comment:

  1. No kidding... what did I say about having house guests for that long? Sucker!

    You know I feel for you. It'll be over soon and then something else equally wierd and drama filled will happen.


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