Monday, December 31, 2007

All the Days Feel Like a Sunday

I finished reading Happiness Sold Separately a few minutes ago. I'm not going to discuss it here since I'm discussing it in my group but I will say that I'm peeved. That's all you get.

I am very excited for tomorrow to get here. Ya know why? Cuz I have a stack of books that have been off limits that I get to start reading tomorrow. Yay!! Until then, I have beasts, spirits, and humanoids to slay and the rest of my Calvin and Hobbes book to keep me entertained. We also have to go to the pet store to get guinea pig litter. Someone should have mentioned how foul those things can get to smelling. Sheesh!

I'm not going to wish anyone a happy New Years because I hate this holiday. I will wish everyone fun, safe, and good times as they enjoy the evening off of work though.

Oh! And I just realized that today is the last day of Holidailies. I think I made it through, lol. I'm not entirely sure though. I'm still going to blog but I'm not going to be obsessive about it. I'll allow myself a break here and there. 61 solid days of blogging. Wow!


  1. I know what you mean about wanting tomorrow to come! I'm in the same boat. Just twenty more minutes . . . Okay, so I probably won't actually pick up a book then, but I could if I wanted to. :-)

  2. LF~~I did start my stack last night. I had too much anticipation built up, lol. I started reading Brother Odd since I had been looking forward to reading that one for MONTHS. I only read two chapters last night though. As it was, it was almost 3am before I got to sleep, heheh. So, what's your first book of 2008?

  3. I so want to start my books now, but I am afraid if I start them, I won't ever finish Happiness Sold Separately.

  4. I hear ya that's why I finished it first.


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