Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Edition #3

No, I didn't skip #2. That was yesterday but Thursday is always titled, "Thursday Meme" when I participate so that's what you got.


Question #5 from the list:

Do you dream of a White Christmas like Vermont....New England, or do you dream of a more tropical Christmas like Florida or Hawaii?

HA!! What do you think my answer to this one is going to be??? You (I mean the universal "you", not Jennifer's mom) can take your white Christmas and shove it. I had Vermont Christmases for three years and I don't care if I ever see another snow flake for the rest of my natural and unnatural life. You think white Christmases sound all nice and traditional and like it's something beautiful off of a Christmas card. Does anyone ever factor in the subzero wind chills, the sliding down the steep, mountainous roads even in your 4 wheel drive, and that a white Christmas in Vermont means 40 inches of the stuff and not just one or two that's manageable??? NO! They don't. I suppose it's all fine and dandy if you're into snow shoeing, sledding (that's snowmobiling to you laymen), skiing, and frostbite. I hate the cold and the snow and one day a year doesn't make all the rest of it okay. Our house in Vermont got over 100 inches of snow last winter. Take that and put it in your stocking.


  1. Haha! Well said!

    I have enjoyed a couple of white Christmases in my time, but I'm a warm weather person through and through.

  2. White Christmases in and of themselves aren't bad. It's the days before and after that yucky.


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