Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday Meme

Courtesy of Booking Through Thursday.

1. What fiction book (or books) would you nominate to be the best
new book published in 2007?(Older books that you read for the first time in 2007
don’t count.)

2. What non-fiction book (or books) would you nominate to be the
best new book published in 2007?(Older books that you read for the first time in
2007 don’t count.)

3. And, do “best of” lists influence your reading?

1. Creation in Death by J.D. Robb (Totally biased opinion here.)
2. I don't read a lot of nonfiction. In fact, the only non-fiction book that I've read that was published this year was The Reagan Diaries by Ronald Reagan so I'd have to pick that.
3. Yes, lists influence my reading to some extent. If I can't figure out what to read next, I'll see what's on the best sellers list. This doesn't really happen too often though. I'm hardly ever without an idea of what I want to read next. "Best of" lists can actually have a negative effect on a book. If I read a book that's gotten a lot of hype, I go into it with higher expectations. This often leads to being disappointment with the book.


  1. There is so much I want to read that I don't need lists!

  2. Do you know JD Robb is Nora Roberts?

    Here is my list.

  3. I think it really depends on the "best of" list. If the list contains no books in which I'm familiar with, then maybe I'll try one out. If it contains several books that I already like, then I'm more likely to try the others. But if the books on that list are ones that I detest, I'm probably going to ignore the list.

  4. I love the end of the year "best of" lists that bloggers post. I get lots of ideas from those. Too many. Haha


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