Friday, October 28, 2011

5 Question Friday

1. Do you prefer cotton, silk, or flannel sheets?
I've never had silk sheets so I can't say whether or not I'd like them. Living in Vermont, we had flannel sheets and when it's 40 below outside, they are wonderful to have on your bed. Overall, I prefer good quality, high thread count, cotton sheets. 

2. What time zone are you in?
I'm in the Pacific time zone. Yuppers.

3. What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
Thanksgiving by far. Thanksgiving is all about family and food. It's not about getting the most candy, buying presents, or pretending that there's a mysterious bunny that leaves baskets in your house. It's straightforward and involves turkey comas. What's not to love?

4. What is your favorite "wintry" drink? (It doesn't have to be an "alcoholic" drink!) 

Hmm. I'm not sure that I have one. I like hot tea and coffee but I drink that year around.

5. In your opinion, what is the worst job in the world?
I don't know. Most people are just happy to have any job nowadays. I would say the medieval job of wiping the king's butt had to suck or being a whipping boy but those jobs don't exist (to my knowledge) today. 


  1. I like the idea of flannel sheets and I've even had some but man alive they just roast me for some reason. I'd rather just have regular sheets and then put blankets on top to get warm.
    My favorite part of the holidays is probably New Year's. This because I'm off and have no obligations to go anywhere! It's my day all mine! lol!
    I typically prefer hot chocolate in the winter but I had some awesome cider a couple weeks ago and I've been on that kick. yummers!

  2. Hi! I am Lauren from Souls to Squeeze hopping over from 5QF. I will have to try the flannel sheets if they work well in cold weather. I am about to move to Alaska from South Carolina so I need lots of cold weather tips!

  3. Pam~~We haven't used our flannel sheets since we left VT. They're too hot but I still like the feel of them. They're soft and cozy. And I forgot about hot cider. I love hot cider.

    Lauren~~Flannel sheets will come in handy in Alaska. I definitely recommend them. Thanks for stopping by and good luck with your move!!


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