Thursday, March 17, 2005

Home Again, Home Again...

We made it back safe and sound late Tuesday night. We're beginning to hate the drive from Vermont to Ohio. 14 hours in a car isn't fun no matter how you look at it. The girls made it to school yesterday despite being up so late the night before. They've missed so much school lately it's pathetic.

Domino went bye bye while we were gone. We don't miss him. He was a pain and didn't have half the personality that Chloe has. Chloe, however, is being a pain herself since we've been back. She always makes us pay for leaving her. She's been kicking her litter everywhere and dumping her food dish. She'll settle down after a couple of days, but until then she's going to drive me crazy.

This is the first day of the last week of my current class. I'll be so glad to get that class over with. It was boring as all get out. Being in Ohio made me fall behind, so I had a lot of catch up to do in one day.

Now, we're just trying to hash out a few things with the new house and get settled back into our regular routine.

One of the radio stations on the way back was having people call in with their favorite or most hated reality tv show. It made me realize that I like very few reality shows and couldn't pick just one that I hate the most. Who's with me? I can't stand any of the dating and marriage shows, Survivor, or American Idol. C and I both like Project Greenlight, Last Comic Standing and American Chopper. I like Wife Swap and Super Nanny. The people on those shows are so annoying, lol.

Something else we saw on the way home was that there is an Iwo Jima Memorial in Connecticut. We saw a sign for it and I looked it up on the internet to see what, exactly, it was. It looks neat and we'll have to stop there sometime.

Has anyone read The Da Vinci Code? Some Catholic cardinal is warning people against reading it, lol. I read it and enjoyed it and recommend it to others. Good thing I'm not Catholic I guess, heheh.

Anyway, Happy Saint Patrick's Day. Don't forget to wear your green.

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