Saturday, September 18, 2004

It's Saturday. What're you doing?

Big fat zippo on our end. C working the entire weekend, I'm chatting with a friend online, and the girls are playing Mario Cart on the GameCube. Yay! I think I might get out of the house and go to a friend's today. It's dull sitting at home all the time. I get bored a lot more often since I don't have any school work to keep me busy. I like having the time off, but miss it at the same time. Know what I mean?

The girls are doing good. School's going great for them. They're both doing really good this year. There's no school on Monday for a work day thing,so they have a three day weekend. Yay for them.

C and I are fine. He has work but nothing's new on the front. However, I got some really good news this week. My sister is going to have a baby! I'm so excited for her. She is due May 17th. My little sister, awww. Lol. I can't wait.

So, that's that for now.

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