Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Blogging, Blog, Blog, Bloggerson

I touched on this topic about a week ago, but didn't really get into the meat of it. Starting my blog three years ago and then becoming a regular reader of various other blogs has been a learning experience...A journey if you will. From the blogs I read on a regular basis, I've been able to notice a trend: You blog like hell the first few weeks, then you trickle off to posting once a week or so, then it goes down to once a month and then, sometimes, they stop posting altogether. I also have theories as to why this is so...

Some people, I think, just lose interest. It was fun at first like anything considered trendy and now they're over it. Some people just get too busy and can't find the time. These are understandable reasons in my opinion. And then you have Blogging Pressure. This should become a psychological term, I'm telling you. I've noticed that people start worrying about what people think of their blog and living up to some, imagined or otherwise, expectation that their readers have of them. A certain someone I know recently started a blog and they fell to Blogging Pressure after only two posts, lmao. They became too obsessed with finding something "interesting" to post and just stopped. True story. Another person I know, after having read their blog for quite some time, basically dropped off of the face of the Earth never to be heard from again after falling prey to Blogging Pressure. NDM, you know who you are, heheh.

I, on the other hand, could care less. If I worried about having interesting posts, I would have stopped years ago. When I post, I just say whatever happens to be on my mind at that moment. I'm having a conversation with whomever happens to stop by my blog that day. At least that's what I do now. When I first started out, my blog was private, meant for family and friends, and was about our daily family life. It was pretty boring and I have no idea why anyone stuck around. Now, since I made my blog public a few months back, I have regular readers that I don't know on a personal level which I have to admit is pretty cool. Do I cater to these people or anyone else?? No way. Do I worry every day that I'm being entertaining enough to keep people around? Nope. Do I expect my readers to agree with everything I have to say? Not in the least. In fact, I'd be disappointed if they did. I hate conformity more than I hate stalkers. Actually, stalkers aren't all bad so I'll say I hate conformity more than I neighbor's band. There, that's a good one. Conformists are also butt-kissers ya know.

I'm digress. My point, if I even have one, is that people should blog for themselves. Stop worrying so freaking much. Ya know? Aren't there bigger things to nurture your ulcers? Global warming, our corrupt government, that person behind you tail gaiting you because you're a freaking slow driver?? These are issues of concern, not if some random person thinks your blog is worthy of a Pulitzer Prize. Oh. And don't become a freaking blog groupie. I hate that. People who follow someone's blog religiously and then, while their nose is plastered to the author's butt, comments on their brilliance as a writer on every single post, agrees with them on every single issue, and never let's the author know when they're overreacting and being an idiot. Dogs shouldn't be allowed in restaurants for any amount of time and for any reason. Maybe you can get away with this in L.A., but that's about it. Get over it. (There's an actual point to that.) Blogging shouldn't be a popularity contest for pete's sake. Are we still in high school here????

Go now. Blog forth. Be witty and wise and send me the link so I can check it out if I don't have it already.


  1. I blog purely for my own entertainment. If my son wants to read the whole crazed mess when he's old enough, it will be there for him. Kind of like a journal, only typed instead of handwritten.

  2. See? That's cool then. That's blogging to blog and not to appease other people.


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