Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Brain Fart

I neglected my blog yesterday. I didn't even think about the fact that I hadn't posted anything until I was laying in bed last night around midnight. I wasn't about to get up and remedy the situation though. I'm not that blog obsessed.

You ever know somebody that you just don't like and then they get sick and you feel bad for not liking them? I had that happen yesterday. I feel bad that this person is in the hospital but it doesn't make me like them any better.

C had a gadget whore moment yesterday. He bought these shoes that you can insert a pedometer into and then it transmits to your iPod nano your steps and how many calories you burn and stuff. I'm not even going to say how much the dumb things cost but they were on sale at the Exchange and he got the pedometer thing for free. Still, he tried to convince me that he bought the shoes because he liked how they looked and not because of the iPod thing. Yeah, right. And I was born yesterday, lol.

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