Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On Being a Winner

A couple weeks ago, I unknowingly entered a blogging contest at A Novel Menagerie. When I originally responded,I thought it was a regular, run of the mill meme. I only realized it was a contest when the blog’s author informed me that I had won. I never win anything so I was pretty excited. Monday, my winnings arrived in the mail.


I received a very pretty book thong and a much needed book light. How nifty, eh?

I just want to thank Sher for selecting my entry and for sending me these wonderful bookish items. They are much appreciated and will I get a lot of use out of them.


  1. Congrats on the win! Great loot.

  2. Thanks Pam. Turns out that the book thong was made by Sher for me which makes it even more special.

  3. How nice is an unexpected win! I seldom get to win free stuff too, so whenever I win anything, it's a really big deal... :D

  4. Josette~~It was a very nice surprise.


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