Monday, August 13, 2007

Nose to the Grindstone

I've had my butt in my desk chair and books open as far as the eye can see all day. My business exam has me stressed out most of all. There was a ton of information crammed into the shortened summer semester and I have no idea how I'm going to remember it all. But enough whining.

It was a gorgeous North Carolina day. An abundance of sunshine and temps that didn't make you want to die. I actually sat outside and read my mail today. Then I came back inside and studied some more, lmao. And since that's all I did today, I have absolutely nothing of interest to blog about. Sorry.

Oh. Did anyone watch the meteor shower last night? C and I went out a little after 10 pm eastern time and didn't see anything. The freaking roaches scared me too much to stay outside for too long though. Damn things are as big as small dogs down here. Sheesh.

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