Friday, August 24, 2007

R.I.P. Reading Challenge

I have decided to take on a reading challenge. I think I will be able to fit it in since it is two months long. I can read 4 books in as many days under normal circumstances. A full course load might provide an additional challenge, but what the hay.
This challenge is provided by Stainless Steel Droppings. I found it from reading some fellow book bloggers' blogs and it sounded fun and interesting. The following outlines the rules which can be found at the afore mentioned website along with a more detailed description of the challenge and the books one might choose for the challenge:

Peril the First:
Read Four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose.

Peril the Second (Otherwise known as the Obese Book Peril):
As you may know, some books are scary not just because of their subject matter but because of their size. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke is 737 pages of small type, for example, and Gordon Dahlquist’s Glass Books of the Dream Eaters is 637 pages long with type so miniscule it makes Strange’s look like large print!
For this peril simply read two weighty tomes during the challenge period.

Peril the Third:
If you think you have it in you, this third choice of perils is the Scary Sandwich Peril…choose two large books like those described in Peril the Second and read a smaller qualifying tale in between.

Peril the Fourth (Otherwise known as Just a Bit of Peril):
Some of you wonderful readers, or would-be readers, may have a tendency to shy away from this genre, thinking it is just not your cup of poisoned tea. However, it wouldn’t be a challenge if I wasn’t challenging you.
This peril is for those of you who want to take a chance. Simply choose one book that you feel meets the criteria for Readers Imbibing Peril II and, well, imbibe it!

Additional Perils:
For those of you who have never done so, or want those who want to do so again, choose one or more of the following books to read after you have completed your other peril of choice:

1. Dracula by Bram Stoker
2. A collection of tales by Edgar Allan Poe
3. The Mystery of the Sea by Bram Stoker
4. Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman

I'm, of course, going to choose Peril the First and for that peril I choose to read:

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wild
Lisey's Story by Stephen King
Cause of Death by Patricia Cornwell
The Laughing Corpse by Laurell K. Hamilton

For the Additional Perils I choose:

Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman

I reserve the right to add to this list during the challenge period but will, at the very least, read the books I have listed. I'm not sure if Artemis Fowl, Stardust, and Wicked qualify for the challenge of not.

It would be really great and I would really love it if some of my readers would join me for this challenge. It’s perfect for the season and who doesn’t love a good book to make them jump at small noises in the night? If you do decide to accept the R.I.P challenge, be sure and leave me a comment so that I know.

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