Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday Meme

Thursday meme courtesy of Booking Through Thursday.

Buy a Friend a Book Week is October 1-7 (as well as the first weeks of January, April, and July). During this week, you’re encouraged to buy a friend a book for no good reason. Not for their birthday, not because it’s a holiday, not to cheer them up–just because it’s a book.

What book would you choose to give to a friend and why?

And, if you’re feeling generous enough–head on over to Amazon and actually send one on its way!

Hmm. This one is a head scratcher. I'd buy L Forever Odd by Dean Koontz because she's in the middle of reading Odd Thomas which she stole off of my bookshelf while she was staying with me. And if none of my other book reading friends had read them, I'd buy everyone else Odd Thomas because it's such a good series and they'd appeal to both men and women IMO.


  1. I do need to get around to reading those books!

  2. Yes, I need to read these books as well!! I think you have to tailor the book buying to fit the friend, don't you??

  3. I have not read any Koontz. Can you believe that?

  4. Yes, it probably would be thoughtful to buy a friend a book you think they'd enjoy. (For instance, I wouldn't buy Trish a book about yard working..) but what fun would it be to send a friend a book you hadn't read yourself... then you wouldn't be able to discuss it later.

  5. To all who have not read the Odd Thomas series...YOU MUST!! I've been reading Koontz for quite a while now and I think these books are, by far, his best work.

    To Jennifer~~You couldbuy me yard working books if you really wanted to, but I'd hate for you to waste your money on a hopeless cause. ;)

  6. lol... maybe I should buy you this book I once saw about how technology will be the ned of us all. :)

    I am going to go look for those books tonight at B&N. I have read some of his books before.

  7. Okay... I totally sent you a book. My favorite book about friends. I figured it was appropriate. It is an excellnt book. They made a movie from it but the movie, though an okay movie, was not even the same as the book. Anyways, enjoy.

  8. Great books! They're my favorites by a favorite author.


  9. Cj~~It's nice to finally see someone else who has read and appreciated the Odd Thomas books.

    Jennifer~~I can't believe you sent me a book, lol. Well, I can because that's the kind of friend that you are but it's still a surprise. Thanks in advance. I was going to send you Odd Thomas but see that you beat me to it. Sheesh.

  10. I also liked the Odd Thomas books - though I read them out of order and regretted it. I do like the idea of gifting someone the first in a really good series of books.

  11. Well, technically I don't have Odd Thomas... yet. They were all out and I will have it in a few days. In the mean time, I got Night Sins by Tami Hoag and One For The Money by Janet Evanovitch.

  12. The last book I bought just because was the new translation of Don Quixote for my mom. I had it sent along with Josh Groban's debut CD, and she really liked it!

    I love buying people books. :)


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