Monday, March 26, 2007

The Big Comfy Couch

We had a full to bursting weekend. I'm going to open today's post with the funniest part: Friday night.

Friday night, C and I were watching tv in bed. We got to talking about how in the twelve years we've been together, he's never spent a night of it on the sofa in the dog house. He pointed out that the one night he did try to sleep on the couch was because he had a cold and his coughing was keeping me up. After only 10 or 15 minutes, I felt bad and went out and made him come back to bed. So, I started picking on him and he said that if I didn't stop, he was hitting the couch. Of course, I didn't stop so he got up and went out onto the couch after trying to take my pillows with him. After he left, I promptly situated myself smack dab in the middle of the bed so that when he gave up and came back, he'd see that I had no intention of fetching him off the couch that night. Then, we both fell asleep, lmao. He comes back to bed at 6 am bitching that he can't believe that I left him out on the couch all night. Yes. He blames me for his immaturity. And it turns out that all the deliberating we did on buying our sofa was for the good because he slept like a rock until he woke up Saturday morning. Men.

So, for the rest of the weekend...Saturday, we spent the afternoon in J'ville shopping. We bought the neatest set of dishes that I absolutely LOVE and a drink shaker thingy for making Mojitos. Well, you can make other drinks in it too, but we had Mojitos in mind when we picked it up.

We took the girls for a walk around the neighborhood when we got home. There are so many houses for sale right now. We started picking up the "take ones" from houses as we were walking to get an idea of what the houses are going for around here. What I don't get is that this one house that's at the apex of a hairpin curve in the road so that I'm sure they probably have had a few cars end up in their front yard has a tax value of about $90,000 but they're asking $150,000 for it. And it's small. I would not pay that much for that house in a million years. What the heck? Back in VT, we paid $15,000 less than the tax value of our house not $60,000 more. Anyway, I went totally off the subject there. Now we're on the lookout for a house. We can't move right now cuz we're in a lease, but I'm ready to not live in somebody else's house all the while paying an astronomical amount of money for the electric to live there. It's annoying. Sunday we spent most of the day driving around all different kinds of neighborhoods looking at houses and we also took the girls for another walk/bike ride around our neighborhood.

All in all, it was a great family-type weekend.

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