Friday, March 30, 2007


I love spring. Spring means baseball, picnics, flowers blooming, trees budding, and that the beach is right around the corner. Since moving to N.C. I've found that Spring means something else as well: Pollen. Pollen freaking EVERYwhere. C said that when he's driving home from Havelock he can see a yellow haze sitting over New Bern, lol. In California it was ash, in Vermont it was salt, and here it's pollen. I really have no clue which is worse.

Remember my English paper on Edgar Allen Poe's The Cask of Amontillado? Well, I got an A so yippee for me. It's 20% of my grade so I was really sweating my grade.

C has duty this weekend. It's such a strange thing to consider because he hasn't stood duty in about 4 years. His is going to especially suck because it's a payday weekend so he's going to have Marines getting into stupid trouble, lol. So, I'm going to have movies and Mojitos if anyone's interested in stopping by. My door's open. ;)

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