Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lotsa Stuff

Well, I got my paper finished and turned in. I'm really nervous about it since it's 20% of my grade. I'd appreciate good vibes if anyone has any to spare.

C and I tried to get our DVR swapped out for a HD DVR today but the cable company sucks. C took his lunch hour to do this and we show up at the office and they were closed for, wouldn't you guess it? Lunch. And they're closed on the weekends too, the butt munches. Have I ever mentioned how much people suck?

Meanwhile, our old cable company is getting bitchy cuz I haven't sent them back their cable box yet, heheh. Our movers were dummies and packed it even though I told them not to. Did you know those things cost $200? I didn't.

I spoke with our renters for the first time since they moved in today. They've been having an interesting winter, lol. First, they're not from VT so they're not used to the snow. They had to get a roof rake, which I had never even heard of let alone used, to clean the snow off of the roof. And then...They have MICE!! Sheesh! So, she asked for permission to get a cat which I readily agreed to since it'll save us the expense of having to pay for an exterminator. She also said that they are so interested in buying the house that they're already thinking of it as their own. How great is that? I've heard so many horror stories from people that rented out their houses that I just can't believe how lucky we got. Our renters are awesome.


  1. You are really lucky to have great renters! My parents rented out our house when my dad transferred jobs to a different state some 20 years ago. The renters pretty much destroyed the house and then filed for bankruptcy, so my parents were out a ton of money. I was just a little kid, but still remember how pissed they were!!

  2. Believe me, I know how lucky we are. I've heard a lot of stories that run along the same lines as what happened to your parents. People are insane.


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