Friday, June 29, 2007

The New Me

Sans glasses. Yup. I had an eye doctor's appointment bright and early this morning and now I have contacts. After wearing them for a little over three hours they are finally starting to feel comfortable. How do I plan on celebrating? I'm going shopping for new sunglasses! It may not sound like much to you, but I've been wearing the same boring prescription sunglasses for years and my favorite accessory to shop for, buy, and wear are sunglasses. I can't wait. I have to go back to the doctor's in a week to see how I'm doing with the contacts, to have the pressure checked in my eyes, and for them to dilate my eyes so they can check for spots. They checked the pressure today with the puff of air thing but because of the episode that I had 5 years ago with my right eye, I always have to have extra tests done. It's the reason why I hate going to the eye doctor now. It always involves multiple varieties of drops being put in my eyes and it's unpleasant. But I have contacts now! Woohoo!

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