Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Rule:

*No drunk blogging.

It's as retarded and idiotic as drunk dialing. I considered erasing Friday night's post but figured I'd leave it up as a lesson learned. Aside from Friday night's escapades, over this weekend I've had glass stuck in my feet three different times. I dropped a wine glass out of the cabinet and it shattered all over the kitchen. This last piece is sticking too. I can't get it out. I've had Starbucks twice. I've been dragged to all the new housing developments that are popping up in New Bern. As fun as it is, I'm tired of looking at houses. Our house guest went home yesterday morning. It's impossible to get any homework done with a guest staying at your house. It's freaking rude to sit there and read a book while they're staring at the walls. As a result, I'm so far behind that I have butterflies constantly in my stomach. I've been writing poetry all day. I have to finish up one more sonnet and then I'll be done. I'm tired. Tired, tired, tired.

Okay. I gotta finish up my work. I'm outta time.

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