Saturday, April 26, 2008

Social Networking

Do you have any idea how many different social networking websites are out there? They have them for realtors (I was especially surprised at this one), people who travel for business, people who read, gamers, and then they have the ones like Myspace and Facebook. I had no idea there were that many of them out there until I joined MyBlogLog.

When I started my book discussion group, I looked around the net for ways to get the word out and to get more members. Social networking was what I found. Most of them are free (I have no idea why you'd pay for it), and they are EVERYwhere. All kinds, shapes, sizes, and colors. I was amazed and a bit overwhelmed. I joined so many in such a short amount of time that I had to start writing down the sites, my ID and all the passwords I was using. Yeah, I know. You're not supposed to write down your passwords but I don't have a photographic memory and can't memorize dozens of different passwords. Anyway, on MyBlogLog, they have a thing where you can add all the services (or networking sites) that you belong to so that anyone who views your profile on MyBlogLog can also find you on any of those other sites. I did find one that was particularly useful aside from just pimping yourself out on the net. It's called Yelp and it's where you can go and write a review for various services like grocery stores, hotels, restaurants, and all kinds of other stuff. You all know how I am about customer service so this was right up my alley.

Okay. So, on MyBlogLog they call people's websites or blogs "communities" and you can join as many communities as you like. I've conducted quite a few searches for "books" and "reading" and surprisingly, I couldn't find much worthwhile. They were either for eBooks or for psychic readings, lol. And if they were about actual books and reading, they hadn't been updated in a while. My point? You should join if you haven't already. They have a lot of useful tools (such as traffic tracking), widgets, and it's a good way to get more traffic to your blog and to make new blog friends. If you're interested or curious, I've linked it in my post and you can also find my MyBlogLog widget in the right hand column.

That's my public service announcement for Saturday. I've had a busy day so far (I can't believe it's already 3:30) so I'm gonna go rest my butt somewhere other than in front of my computer.

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