Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Is This Back-handed or Just a Slap in the Face??

The following is a comment that I just received on a research assignment for my business class. I feel the distinct need to make excuses and to defend myself but I won't. Read this:

"That’s well and good, however, I think you’re gifted at completing
assignments like these quickly without a sufficient look into updated and useful
sources with specific data and findings."

That's copied and pasted word for word. Ouch, right? I like this class for the information that I'm learning and I like my professor despite the fact that she's hit me on every single assignment that I've turned in. She's thorough and involved and having an instructor that's actually involved in their class can be a rarity believe it or not. That being said, this is an introductory, 100 level class and I have the most writing assignments, reading, debating, and discussion than I do in my other two mid and upper level classes that I'm taking this semester combined. I think she thinks we're only taking her class and that's it. See? I bet you guessed that I wasn't going to be able to hold back defending myself, lmao. I'm irritated. I always score really high on my writing assignments but no matter what I do, it's not enough for this lady. It's making me question myself and wonder if all my other instructors went easy on me and everything else that I've written was utter rubbish.

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