Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Few Things I Want to Share*UPDATED

#1. I have a 9 coupons for free Snuggle Exhilarations liquid fabric softener. We got them when we bought our washer and dryer earlier this year. C and I don't like the smell of the stuff so we aren't going to use them. If anyone would like these coupons let me know. You'll have to be willing to give me your mailing address so that I can send them to you. First come, first serve. I would hate for them to go to waste.

#2. I discovered yesterday while listening to my Podcast of Diggnation. It's this really cool free download that lets you share files between users automatically. Like photos, documents, etc. All you do is copy and paste what you want to share and people connected to your tube can see it instantly. I thought it would be a nifty way to keep in touch long distance. If anyone wants in on my tube, again, let me know. Also, right now, you get 2 gig storage which is a lot. I guess they're getting ready for a new release and once they do that, you're not going to get that much storage so if you're going to sign up, do so fast.

#3. In addition to my Meebo instant messenger on my page, I now have my own Meebo chat room that you can access on the right. This chat room is different from traditional chat rooms in that we can share websites and anyone in the room can see the same thing at the same time. For instance, if you have a funny YouTube video you want to share, you simply enter the url into the chat and everyone gets to watch it together. Feel free to pop in anytime.

And I think that's it for now. I hope to hear back from some of you on this stuff.


I tried out the Tubes with my dad and it's totally neato! They are definitely going down to 1gb of storage before too much longer so make sure and sign up while you can still get 2 gb and let's share!

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