Thursday, May 24, 2007

Summer Madness

I went outside last night to check out this toad that M caught. I was out there for less than five minutes. In that time, I was attacked three times by mosquitoes. And, one or more got into the house and I was bit 2 more times and once during the night. I'm allergic to the little suckers too. I have some pretty huge bite sites on my leg and they hurt when I walk. It sucks. On the upside, the fireflies are out too. I love fireflies. Fireflies mean summer, fun times, bbq's 4th of July, vacation, all that good stuff. I'm just going to have to get used to wearing bug spray constantly.

On another summer subject, we went to Lowes last night to get some wasp spray (yes, bugs abound down here) and they had all their hurricane supply stuff out. June 1st is the start of the season so I suppose we're going to have to get ready. The only supplies we have are two flashlights and no replacement batteries, lol. Oh, and we have some MRE's too. Yuck.

This is one of those situations where you take the good with the bad. Summer in the south means humidity, bugs, and hurricanes but it also means endless days at the beach, backyard bbq's, summer camp, and playing in the neighborhood with all your friends and the fireflies for company. I can't wait.

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