Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Train Keeps on Rolling

I was trying to have a good day. After spending most of the last two days pissed off, I was trying to have a freaking good day. Not happening.

I just got off the phone with the VT Dept of Taxation and found out that not only did H&R Block totally f%$k up our tax return we owe the state of VT $700 + penalties. He also screwed up our Ohio tax return too but we're just getting back about $1200 less than we originally thought. At least we don't owe them any money. I plan on calling the H&R Block guy and giving him an earful while getting my money back. THEN, I'm taking our taxes to someone with half a brain and filing an amendment so that we don't actually have to pay that $700 to VT.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: KNOW YOUR FREAKING JOB OR GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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