Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Renter Problems

I swear to whatever is holy that if one person says, "I told you so" I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth and stomp on you.

Our renters have been late with the rent two months in a row now. And considering they've only been living there for four months, this doesn't bode well. This causes C and I to have to jump through hoops in order to pay our mortgage on time which sucks royally. She's had an excuse both months: Last month, her fiance's mother was ill. This month, the mother died. I suppose I can see why they got behind but how much am I supposed to put up with? Since C and I have been on our own, numerous people in our lives have died. We've had to fly from California to Ohio and back and drive from Vermont to Ohio and back to attend funerals. Not once has our rent or mortgage ever been late. IMO, rent/mortgage, car payment, and car insurance get paid on time, no matter what and no excuses. This is how responsible adults behave. Sheesh.

And our Vermont home woes continue...I've had the roofer out to the house twice since we've moved. Once to check on the snow level and again to check on a suspected leak and loose gutters. Now, I have to have him out AGAIN to check on a piece of siding (he does roofing and siding) that was blown loose. GEEZ, SHEESH, and CRIPES!! The sooner we sell that freaking house the better cuz I'm telling ya, I'm sick of this shite.


  1. you need to add on a late fee. make it alot andthey might think twice of being late the next time.

  2. There is a late fee. Doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent though. I'd raise it but the late fee is already in her lease.

  3. I have been told that people named Jennifer, such as your renter, are nothing but trouble and should be avoided at all costs. :)

  4. Lmao. Yeah. I seem to have a lot of Jennifers in my life at the moment. I'm getting all of you confused. Thankfully, only one of them is causing me trouble.


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